
We are here to help

A lifetime of services

A lifetime of increased productivity, lower costs and improved quality of your production

Aasted Services are dedicated to assisting you whenever you need us. We aim at improving your productivity and quality as well as lower your cost by offering you our help in most situations you can discover during the lifetime of your equipment. We take pride in a swift and smooth service delivered on site or online by the aid of the latest tools in remote support. The choice is yours.

Customer service

We are here to help!

Customer service is your first line of support in Aasted. Whatever your problem or challenge is, we are here to help and guide you further into the house of Aasted. Give us a call. We are here to help!

Phone +45 4434 8090


Training & knowledge

Exploring opportunities

Aasted Training & knowledge services are all about exploring opportunities. Whenever you are interested in testing a new product, testing a new process or process parameter, or educating your staff for improving processes, maintenance, or operation, Aasted can help. Through our Aasted Technology Center and Aasted Academy, we can provide several services to support your efforts.

Startup services

The perfect startup

Aasted start-up services provide essential services to enable a swift and smooth start-up of your equipment. From a factory acceptance test to installation and commissioning of your equipment or line, Aasted can assist you through the process. The start-up services come both in a real and remote version, enabling you to choose between having an Aasted engineer present onsite or to use your own.

Maintenance & repair

Whenever uptime and efficiency is critical

Maintenance & repair is a lifetime of essential support to secure your equipment or line's uptime and efficient operation. If you need spare parts, repair assistance or regular maintenance, you will find it here. Maintenance and repair services are versatile; they cover experienced technicians and engineers, replacement parts, planning services, hard and software tools, monitoring equipment, and much more.

Improvement & change

Adapting and optimizing to changing circumstances

Improvement & change is when you need to improve or change your quality, increase or even decrease your quantity, or improve or modify your performance in other areas such as environmental performance. Improvement and change cover various services, i.e., software changes or upgrades, rebuilding, retrofits, pre-inspections and calculation assistance that are specifically designed to support your optimization endeavors.

Digital services

We can help you – also from a distance

Aasted Digital services have been developed to enable essential services to be performed without the physical presence of an Aasted technician or engineer. The services can be used whenever travel is difficult or prohibited or just to save time. The digital service can be performed remotely and only requires an internet connection. Together with a well-equipped digital toolbox, we can help you from a distance in most situations.

Find a service package that suits your needs

Equipment breakdowns and emergency repairs can be very expensive in today's environment. If maintenance costs and downtime are essential aspects of your company, it must incorporate preventive maintenance into its maintenance strategies. Aasted service packages cover maintenance of your machines, training of your staff and support 24/7. That gives you the best conditions for running production with less downtime and shorter changeovers, less waste of energy, water and produce, and fewer errors.


Are you in need of support?
Contact our support team now

Aasted’s 24/7 Customer support is by nature remote. It is a service provided that enables online troubleshooting 24/7 against a service fee. Whatever your situation is – our support team is here to help.


Protect your uptime with original Aasted spare parts

Uptime, productivity and product quality all require the use of and swift access to original spare parts. Aasted spare part team is here to assist you with spare parts 24/7. Spare parts from Aasted is a robust and safe choice.


Learn more about our services in the download center

We aim at improving your productivity and quality as well as lower your cost by offering you our help in most situations you can discover during the lifetime of your equipment. Find the relevant downloads here.


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